
Showing posts from January, 2013

Characterisation of Organic Compounds IV: Practice Questions

1. A sample of an organic compound was analysed and it was found from the elemental analysis as: C = 53.46%, H = 6.98%, and O = 39.56%. a. Determine its empirical formula The sample was also analysed in spectroscopy and figures below show the spectrum of mass spectrometry, IR, H NMR, and C-13 spectroscopy.

Characterisation of Organic Compounds III: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

NMR Spectrometer at the University of Sheffield This is the last part of characterisation of organic compounds as in this section we will discuss about nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In this last part, we will focus on the fundamental concepts of NMR spectroscopy, and also on H NMR and C-13 NMR. Furthermore, an exercise for this part will be given in part IV.

Characterisation of Organic Compounds II: Infrared Spectroscopy

This part is the continuity of previous section, as we discussed about mass spectrometry and UV-Vis spectroscopy and this section we will see about infrared (IR) spectroscopy which tells about the functional groups in the molecule. William de Wiveleslie Abney Almost any compound having covalent bonds absorbs various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This region lies at wavelength longer than those associated with visible light, which range from approximately 400 to 800 nm, but lies at wavelengths shorter than those associated with microwaves, which are longer than 1 mm. For chemical purposes, we are interested in the vibrational portion of the infrared region. It includes radiations with wavelengths between 2.5 μm and 25 μm.

Characterisation of Organic Compounds I: Mass Spectrometry and UV-Vis Spectroscopy

This section we will see the determination of organic compound structures from 4 types of spectroscopy; mass spectroscopy (MS), infrared (IR) spectroscopy, ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Moreover, this section will discuss about mass spectrometry and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy Artoindonesianin C - the structure was determined by spectroscopic evidence

Chemistry of the Clinic - Drugs and Tissue Engineering

In this section, we will have a discussion around the drugs delivery and tissue engineering. In discussion about drugs delivery, we will see not only the topical methods, but also how to control the release of active pharmaceutics components. Lastly, we will see about tissue engineering with focus on the scaffolding.

Chemistry of the Clinic - Teeth and Eyes

In this section, we will have a look how dentists and optometrists apply chemistry in their works. This section will have a look about fillings and adhesive that are used by dentists, and contact lenses from optometrists. In general, this section will discuss how polymer plays important roles for dentists and optomerists. Teeth

Chemistry of the Clinic - Blood

This part will have a look how chemistry can be applied in healthcare and in this part will have a look for materials that have contact with blood and use in cardiovascular (heart and the blood vessels). As an introduction, the world healthcare market is approximately  £ 4000 billion and globally, the pharmaceutical market is estimated to be  £200 billion. Besides that, the world medical device markets have been estimated to be around  £120 billion and regenerative medicine is estimated worth  £1 000 billion by 2020. Synthetic materials in the body

Compounds of s- and p- Block Elements

In this section, we will have a survey in elements of s - and p - block elements. Since, the elements of s-  and p - block is varies, we only have a look for binary compound of hydrogen, oxide, and halides; as well we will see the trends in the periodic table. Binary compounds of hydrogen The s- and p- block elements can form binary compound with hydrogen and as the characteristic of the elements varies, the types of compounds are also different. Group 1 and 2 metals form ionic (saline or salt like) compound with the hydrogen has -1 charge ( H − ), with exception of Be and Mg. The ionic hydrides is a compounds with electropositive s -block metals, so it can make hydrogen to form  H − . 

Solid State Chemistry and the Standard Enthalpy of Dissolution (The Periodic Trends)

In this section we will see the solid structure of metals and their ionic compounds of  s - and p - block elements. Besides that, we will also see the lattice enthalpy and the enthalpy of dissolution of ionic compounds, as well their periodic trends. Solid State Structures of Metals In general, the metallic elements would arrange itself in metallic lattice in the most efficient was in a fixed volumes. Then, it is assume that atoms as hard spheres and all atoms have identical size. From those assumption, there are 4 main solid state structures of metals; cubic close packed (CCP), hexagonal close packed (HCP), simple cubic, and body-centred cubic. The elements will arrange in certain crystal lattice depends on its atomic (metallic) radius, and most of metals are CCP or HCP. Metallic solid structures

A Survey of the s- and p- Block Elements

In this section we will have a look for a brief survey of the s - and p -block elements. We will have a look a certain properties of the elements across the group and as well their trends for some properties.